The word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit. We think of the union occurring between mind, body and spirit. The practice of physical postures or poses that we refer to as yoga can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word “asana” Asana, the physical practice of yoga, is only one of the eight “limbs” of yoga. The remaining limbs are yama (ethical disciplines), niyama (self observation), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samdhi (a state of joy and peace). Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, described the eight limbs of yoga as a tree of wisdom and spirituality unfold in the same manner as tree grows.
What class type or level is appropriate for me?
Moksha Yoga Studio offers many classes in various traditions. Most of our classes are open to all levels. Our teachers focus on making the class accessable yet challenging for all students. The vinyasa flow, core power and yoga conditioning classes are our more vigirous styles and take place in our warm room, Studio M. Most of our other classes take place in Studio O, our air-conditioned space. New students may also choose a slower and gentler paced class to introduce themselves to the foundations of the practice if they prefer. We recommend trying different teachers and styles to find what works best for you.
Yoga Studio Etiquette...
We kindly ask you take your shoes off before entering any of the practice rooms in the studio, put your cell phones on silent and try and refrain from using during class. If you need to take a call before or after class, please step outside of the studio. Please refrain from chit chatting during class, it can be distracting and disruptive to others. Please stay for savasana but if you do need to leave, setup towards the back then quietly roll up your mat and TIP TOE out of the room so you do not disturb others who are enjoying their final relaxation.
Do I need to sign up ahead of time to attend a class?
You do not need to sign up ahead of time to attend a class with the exception of Aerial Yoga and Yoga Conditioning. Feel free to drop in whenever you are ready.
How should I prepare for class and what should I bring?
It is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach, so we suggest not eating for about two hours before class or a half hour after a light snack. Wear comfortable breathable clothing which does not restrict movement. Practice is done barefoot. Mats and all other props are provided for use in the studio if you do not have your own. Bring water or we have water for sale in the boutique. You may want to bring a small towel and be prepared to sweat!
“99% Practice and 1% Theory”
— K. Pattabhi Jois
“Vinyasa is a natural sequence unfolding with creative intelligence, a conscious evolution connecting each moment with unifying breath.
We explore embodying a living yoga in full spectrum – sun to the moon,
wild to sublime, fullness to simplicity, action and being.
There is yoga for everyone.”
— Shiva Rae
“The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean
for the soul to reside in it.”
— B.K.S lyengar