Moksha Yoga Studio 200 Hour Teacher Training Program
with founder, Cora Rosen and MYS Faculty
August 22nd - Nov 24th ( Aug 22-25, Sep 5-8, Sep 19-22, Oct 3-6, Oct 17-20, Nov 7-10, Nov 21-24)
Thursdays & Fridays, 5-8pm
Saturdays & Sundays 10-5p
Study in the practice of yoga, and it’s teachings...
Our extensive 200 hour Yoga teacher training and comprehensive studies program includes Vinyasa Yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, combined for a thorough and practical understanding of Yoga and it’s teachings. We will study the classical and contemporary techniques from the best major systems of yoga such as Ashtanga, Iyengar, modern techniques such as yoga conditioning, movement modalities, restorative practices, pranayama and more. These studies will assist you in cultivating a deeper understanding and connection to your personal practice as well as build confidence and gaining the preparation needed to be a well-rounded teacher.
MYS’s Teacher Training course will concentrate on Vinyasa yoga sequencing thru the classical foundations, teaching a yoga class effectively & safely, understanding the student and creating your own style of teaching. Techniques that will be used to accomplish this are a study of the body, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and movement. We will learn about meditation, pranayama and the science of breathing, how we use the breath to cultivate energy while quieting the heart mind relationship. History, philosophy and ethics will be discussed as we delve into the Yoga Sutras. Safe assisting instruction, either physical or verbal descriptions will be reviewed as well as the importance of props and modifications to be able to assist others safely through their practice. We will discuss teaching philosophy, ethics, proper sequencing, marketing and building your foundation as a teacher. All of this will take your Yoga and your self to the next level. By the end of the course, upon completion you will not only receive your 200 Teacher Certification approved by Yoga Alliance but a wealth of information, wisdom and insight to continue on your yogic journey with.
Through this program you will:
* Empower yourself and others
* Refine and deepen your own yoga practice and knowledge
* Deepen your understanding of asanas, technique, alignment, modifications and benefits
* Learn how to design effective classes and the importance of sequencing
* Develop well-rounded knowledge of yoga philosophy and lifestyle practices
* Gain experience through practice teaching
* Learn the business of Yoga
* Connect with others who are participating in this program
* With the completion of this course you will receive your Yoga Alliance 200 hr Teaching Certificate
Pre-Course Requirements:
* Must be a yoga practitioner for minimum of 2 years with a consistent practice.
Complete Teacher Training Application and submit along with $200 application fee: Email for application.
* Recommended reading and reference books:
“The Tree of Yoga” , B.K.S. Iyengar; Shambala Books, Boston
“The Language of Yoga”, Nicolai Bachman; Sounds True, Boulder CO
“Anatomy of Hatha Yoga”, A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners, H. David Coulter; Body and Breath, Honesdale, PA OR
“Yoga Anatomy” by Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Mathews; Human Kinetics
“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, Sri Swami Satchidananda; Integral Yoga Publications • Yogaville, Virginia
“ The Yoga of The Yogi”, The Legacy of T Krishnamacharya, Kausthub Desikachar; Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, India
“Ashtanga Yoga”, The Practice Manual, David Swenson; Ashtanga Yoga Productions, Houston, Texas
What’s Included:
*Moksha Yoga Studio’s Comprehensive Teacher Training Manual
*Unlimited Yoga at Moksha Yoga Studio to satisfy course requirements for duration of in person training
Course Requirements:
* Attendance of full course, absence or tardiness will have to be made up during next session.
* Self-practice hours: Must attend at least 2 classes a week for duration of training. (Signed sheet by instructor)
* Supervised Class Observation Hours: Total of 10 classes, observation of at least three different styles taught at Moksha Yoga Studio
* Supervised Class Assist/Adjustment Hours: Completed after asana and assist review in class, and approved by instructors
* Completion of all assignments, papers as well as written and teaching exams
Schedule & Fees:
August 22nd - Nov 24th ( Aug 22-25, Sep 5-8, Sep 19-22, Oct 3-6, Oct 17-20, Nov 7-10, Nov 21-24)
Thursdays & Fridays, 5-8pm
Saturdays & Sundays 10-5p
Payment options or as follows:
* Early Bird Tuition (paid in full by August 1st): $200 Registration Fee + $2750 Tuition = $2950
* Regular Tuition (paid in full up to 1 week before training): $200 Registration Fee + $2950 Tuition = $3150
* Payment Plan Tuition (paid monthly for 4 months, Sep-Dec): $250 Reg. Fee + $800a month = $3200
Payment Plan Tuition 2 (paid monthly for 5 months, Aug-Dec): $250 Reg. Fee + $640 a month = $3200
Faculty: CORA ROSEN, Founder and Director of Moksha Yoga Studio has been practicing yoga for 20+ years and teaching for over 16. Cora not only facilitates teacher trainings but also teaches group classes incorporating intelligent and invigorating sequencing, good music and calming energy but specializes in working one on one. She works with professional athletes, celebrities and the local community using yoga as a tool to help address, assess and work through physical injuries and imbalances and foster a greater sense of awareness, healing and balance in the body and mind. She consistently continues her yoga education and is proud to be a part of the Yoga Medicine® community where the standards of education are raising the bar in the health and wellness.Cora strives to bring yoga into everyday life by doing, evolving and truly living it, allowing peace and joy to flourish within and spread to others! Other instructors from the Moksha Yoga Studio family will also be involved in teaching/assisting in this course.