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C.O.R.E Method with Richard Wygand

The C.O.R.E Method is the method created by Richard souvenir, a former professional athlete. Richard has been coaching athletes since 2006 and he noticed that in order to perform we need to integrate mind, body and soul. The C.O.R.E Method helps individuals to exceed in all aspects of life leading to a more mindful lifestyle.
C.O.R.E stands for Change, Optimize, Reconnect and Exceed. In order to EXCEED in life, wether your goal is to do a triathlon, or get that promotion at work, you need to be healthy. In order to achieve optimal health a balance between mind, body and soul is needed.

Rich will be sharing the inspiring story of:
-How he lost 100 pounds, quit smoking and became a professional athlete. (Mind, Body).
-The life transformation from pro athlete to a special needs Dad (soul).
-Rich Journey of 200 miles on a Stand Up Paddle from Lake worth to key west for awareness of his son condition.
-How to change your life, how to deal with stress and exceed in life.
-How the C.O.R.E Method can help you!
-and Much more.

Come and get inspired to start your 2018!
The workshop will be based on donations for The Go Luke Wygand Foundation, and you will still get a free copy of the c.o.r.e Method book!

Click here to register.

Earlier Event: September 10