$45 if registered by Jan 6th, $55 after.
Fear is usually lessened when we face it. Most people are afraid of being upside down. This is a great opportunity to conquer that fear. This class will turn your world upside down and help you understand the dynamics of inversions. You will learn preparatory steps to get there, and modifications to strengthen, and open you to allow you to grow at your own pace. You will learn the correct alignment and stacking of the bones. Any time your head is below your heart you are doing an inversion, therefore there will be all types of poses to explore. You will reap the benefits of the inversions by strengthening your heart, and quieting your mind. You can also explore your limits and take your practice to the next level.
Advanced students can have the opportunity to own that pose you have been struggling to master. This will be an all level class, and it will be conducted in a fun and safe environment. Space is limited , make your reservation early to secure your space in the class.
Monica Hornung has been teaching yoga since 1997. She is a licensed massage therapist since 1995 , and she is well trained in anatomy and physiology. She has trained directly under Sri Pattabhi Jois and has attended The ashtanga institute of Mysore India. She will be a gentle yet strong support in your progress and will be able to check your alignment safely.